Did You Know?
57% of employees who are unsatisfied with the mental health support provided by their employers are planning to leave their jobs within the next year.
Busting the Stigma
Mental health has historically been a taboo subject and many workplaces still lack adequate mental health support, meaning those struggling with mental health issues must suffer or seek help in silence. Employees with poor mental health miss four times as much work, are 35% less productive, and struggle 23% more with exercising creativity.
Significant strides have been made towards destigmatizing mental health. The 2008mental health parity law means all insurance companies have to provide mental health coverage, and employees are leading the charge in their workplaces to have open conversations about the effects of stress and burnout. Advocacy, personal stories, and workplace change initiatives help normalize discussing mental wellness in the workplace.
Benefits of Embracing Mental Health Initiatives
Improved employee well-being leads to increased satisfaction, productivity, retention, and creativity. Over 90% of workers value working at organizations that prioritize and provide support for their overall well-being. Emphasizing the importance of mental health creates a company culture where employees feel safe asking for help.
Supporting Employee Mental Health
• Work-Life Balance: 95% of employees believe it is important for them to work at organizations that respect their work-life balance. Encourage employees to take breaks, mental health days, vacations, and other necessary time for themselves. Offering these days as part of the employee benefits package and creating a culture that celebrates wellness demonstrates a commitment to employee health.
• Access to Services: With EAPs, workshops, partnerships with mental health programs, and a new generation of apps and websites dedicated to mental health, providing employees with accessible mental health resources is easier than ever. Making services readily available allows employees to take mental wellness into their own hands.
• Supportive Culture: Start from the ground up and foster a culture that values mental health by training leaders to prioritize their own mental health, recognize the signs of an employee in need, and have open dialogues about employee needs. Encourage leaders to understand what resources are available for employees who may be struggling and let employees lead the conversation about their mental health.
Want to provide well-rounded resources for employee well-being? PuzzleHR makes it easy! From benefitspros who can help you select the perfect plan, to Learning and Development experts to teach leaders to handle tough conversations, and partnerships with revolutionary resources like Counslr, we can help integrate mental health into your employee benefits program. Contact us today to learn more!PuzzleHR makes it easy! Contact us today to learn more!